Explore the Inner Cycles of Growth
Free Masterclass
with Marcela Lobos
Awaken to your True Self: Journey to Wholeness
The greatest privilege of life is to discover who you truly are and then be a guiding light to others on the same quest. This certainly has been the privilege and honour of Marcela Lobos’ life.
Marcela wants to spare others from learning who they are the hard way. The path to enlightenment and Self does not have to be punctuated with pain or frustration. When you commit to becoming who you truly are, the stresses, challenges and heartaches of life take on a very different meaning.
In this free Masterclass you will walk away with a renewed understanding of…
The fundamental milestones in our quest for Self-realisation and how these help us become individuals with a sense of value and belonging.
Discover the shamanic understanding of your essential reality, which modern psychology calls Self.
Connect to the mystical universe and learn how to follow your highest destiny.
The Shamanic Path to Answering Your Calling
It is easy to lose yourself in the mundane routines of everyday life or to lose yourself in what we think we should be doing, versus answering our soul’s calling.
We are so far removed from our essential nature, our calling is muffled by the noise and distraction of modern-day life. Yet, something still feels lost. We still yearn for something that we cannot name.
In the 13 Moons of Wisdom Masterclass, Marcela Lobos shows us the shamanic path to answering that calling. The calling to know your true Self and ‘retrieve’ your sacred purpose or destiny.
Marcela Lobos invites you to go in search of your true Self – it’s the greatest adventure to be had!
How pain is not the only path to enlightenment when you understand who you truly are.
How go in search of your sacred purpose and retrieve your destiny.
How knowing who you are and acknowledging your sacred purpose is vital to your health and wellbeing.
Marcela je u Kaliforniju stigla s dvadeset godina, gdje je prvi put došla u doticaj s holističkim pristupom životu, posebice jogom i iscijeljujućom masažom. Ubrzo su uslijedili brak i majčinstvo koji su razotkrili njezine neiscjeljene traume iz djetinjstva i generacijsku ranjenost.
U svojim tridesetima Marcela otkriva šamanski put. Snagom i brzinom munje, njezin se život naglo okrenuo prema vlastitom iscijeljenju. Predanim radom na sebi, naučila je kako alkemizirati svoju bol i tugu u izvore mudrosti i suosjećanja. Prvo je inicirana u drevna učenja u okviru Four Winds Society, a potom izravno od strane čuvara mudrosti peruanskih Anda i amazonske džungle.
Vrativši se u Čile, godinama je učila od izvornih iscjeljiteljica šamanki koje pripadaju matrijarhalnom društvu čuvarica mudrosti Majke Zemlje. Tijekom svih tih godina njezina želja da osjeti i da se poveže s najdubljom istinom stvarnosti širila se u njezinu srcu. Njegovala je tantričke i budističke prakse koje s ljubavlju i radošću unosi u ostale svoje rituale. Marcelina strast je poučavati druge putevima koji nas vode prema samospoznaji.